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Англо-русский словарь - dim


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Перевод с английского языка dim на русский

 1. adj.
 1) тусклый; неясный dim room - темная комната
 2) матовый
 3) слабый (о зрении; об интеллекте)
 4) смутный, туманный; потускневший the inscription is dim - надпись неразборчива, стерлась - dim recollection - dim idea
 5) тупой, бестолковый
 6) с неясным сознанием to take a dim view of smth. - смотреть на что-л. скептически или пессимистически Syn: see vague
 2. v. потускнеть; делать(ся) тусклым, затуманивать(ся) - dim down - dim up - dim out
DIM down постепенно гасить свет (в театре)
DIM idea смутное представление
DIM out затемнять The lights were dimmed out when the electricity supply was reduced.
DIM recollection смутное воспоминание
DIM up постепенно зажигать свет (в театре)
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См. в других словарях

  1. темнота, сумерки to sit in the dim —- сидеть в темноте, сумерничать 2. авт. ближний свет фар 3. тусклый; неяркий, слабый (о свете) dim candle —- свеча, горящая слабым светом dim bulb —- тусклая лампочка the dim ball of the sun —- тусклый диск солнца the reading-lamp was so dim that you could hardly read —- свет (от) настольной лампы был так слаб, что почти нельзя было читать 4. плохо освещенный dim room —- неосвещенная (полутемная) комната 5. неясный, смутный, туманный; трудноразличимый the dim outline of buildings —- неясные очертания зданий to grow dim —- исчезать (таять) вдали a dim island in a infinite dark sea —- едва различимый остров в безграничном мраке моря her eyes wandered over the dim landscape —- ее взор блуждал по погруженному в полутьму ландшафту her eyes were dim with tears —- слезы затуманили ее взор 6. туманный, с неясными перспективами the outlook is pretty dim —- рассчитывать (надеяться) особенно не на что 7. слабый (о зрении) dim eyes —- плохое зрение 8. слабый, приглушенный (о звуке) the dim roar of a great city —- неясный (приглушенный) гул огромного города 9. матовый; мутный, тусклый 10. смутный, неясный dim idea —- неясная мысль dim remembrance —- смутное воспоминание his fears have grown dim —- его страхи рассеялись 11. слабо разбирающийся 12. разг. бесцветный, серый, скучный a dim sort of...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  см. D. c gray7) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) матем.; сокр. от dimension размерность 2) электр. вполнакала ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  I 1) тускнеть 2) переключать фары с дальнего света на ближний II сокр. от dimension 1) размер 2) размерность ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. & v. --adj. (dimmer, dimmest) 1 a only faintly luminous or visible; not bright. b obscure; ill-defined. 2 not clearly perceived or remembered. 3 colloq. stupid; slow to understand. 4 (of the eyes) not seeing clearly. --v. (dimmed, dimming) 1 tr. & intr. make or become dim or less bright. 2 tr. US dip (headlights). Phrases and idioms dim-wit colloq. a stupid person. dim-witted colloq. stupid, unintelligent. take a dim view of colloq. 1 disapprove of. 2 feel gloomy about. Derivatives dimly adv. dimmish adj. dimness n. Etymology: OE dim, dimm, of unkn. orig. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (~mer; ~mest)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~m; akin to Old High German timber dark  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. emitting or having a limited or insufficient amount of light ~ stars a ~ lamp a ~ hallway  b. dull, lusterless ~ colors  c. lacking pronounced, clear-cut, or vigorous quality or character a ~ echo of the past  2.  a. seen indistinctly a ~ outline  b. perceived by the senses or mind indistinctly or weakly ; faint had only a ~ notion of what was going on  c. having little prospect of favorable result or outcome a ~ future  d. characterized by an unfavorable, skeptical, or pessimistic attitude — usually used in the phrase take a ~ view of  3. not perceiving clearly and distinctly ~ eyes  4. ~-witted  • ~ly adverb  • ~mable adjective  • ~ness noun  II. verb  (~med; ~ming)  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to make ~ or lusterless  2. to reduce the light from  intransitive verb to become ~  III. noun  Date: 14th century  1. archaic dusk, ~ness  2. low beam  IV. abbreviation  1. ~ension  2. ~inished  3. ~inuendo  4. ~inutive ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (dimmer, dimmest, dims, dimming, dimmed) 1. Dim light is not bright. She stood waiting, in the dim light... ADJ • dimly He followed her into a dimly lit kitchen. ADV: ADV after v, ADV -ed • dimness ...the dimness of an early September evening. N-UNCOUNT 2. A dim place is rather dark because there is not much light in it. The room was dim and cool and quiet. ADJ • dimness I squinted to adjust my eyes to the dimness. N-UNCOUNT 3. A dim figure or object is not very easy to see, either because it is in shadow or darkness, or because it is far away. Pete’s torch picked out the dim figures of Bob and Chang. = faint ADJ • dimly The shoreline could be dimly seen. ADV: usu ADV with v 4. If you have a dim memory or understanding of something, it is difficult to remember or is unclear in your mind. It seems that the ’60s era of social activism is all but a dim memory. = hazy ADJ: usu ADJ n • dimly Christina dimly recalled the procedure... ADV: ADV with v, ADV adj 5. If the future of something is dim, you have no reason to feel hopeful or positive about it. The prospects for a peaceful solution are dim. ? bright ADJ 6. If you describe someone as dim, you think that they are stupid. (INFORMAL) ADJ 7. If you dim a light or if it dims, it becomes less bright. Dim the lighting–it is unpleasant to lie with a bright light shining in your eyes... The houselights dimmed. VERB: V n, V 8. If your future, hopes, or emotions dim or if something dims them, they become less good or less strong. Their economic prospects have dimmed... Forty eight years of marriage have not dimmed the passion between Bill and Helen. VERB: V, V n 9. If your memories dim or if something dims them, they become less clear in your mind. Their memory of what happened has dimmed... The intervening years had dimmed his memory. VERB: V, V n 10. to take a dim view: see view ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj dimmer, dimmest 1 »DARK« fairly dark or not giving much light, so that you cannot see well  (in the dim light of the early dawn) 2 »SHAPE« a dim shape is one which is not easy to see because it is too far away, or there is not enough light  (The dim outline of a large building loomed up out of the mist.) 3 »EYES« literary dim eyes are weak and cannot see well  (The dim eyes of the old woman were surprisingly attractive.) 4 dim recollection/awareness etc a memory or understanding of something that is not clear in your mind; vague (2)  (Laura had a dim recollection of someone telling her this before.) 5 future chances if your chances of success in the future are dim, they are not good  (Prospects for an early settlement of the dispute are dim.) 6 in the dim and distant past humorous a very long time ago 7 take a dim view of to disapprove of something  (We took a dim view of his disobedience.) 8 »UNINTELLIGENT« informal especially BrE not intelligent  (You can be really dim sometimes!) - dimly adv  (a dimly lit room | She was only dimly aware of the risk.) - dimness n ~2 v dimmed, dimming 1 if a light dims, or if you dim it, it becomes less bright  (The lights in the theatre began to dim.) 2 if a feeling or quality dims or is dimmed, it grows weaker  (Her beauty had not dimmed over the years. | His words dimmed our hopes of a peaceful settlement.) 3 dim your headlights/lights AmE to lower the angle of the front lights of your car, especially when someone is driving towards you; dip1 (3) BrE ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Diminished mil. abbr. Data Input Message electron. abbr. Data information record u.m. abbr. Device Interface Module softw. abbr. Data Interface Module comp. assem. abbr. Declare In Memory comp. assem. abbr. Declare Into Memory network. abbr. Distributed Information Management gen. bus. abbr. Distributed Inventory Management gen. bus. abbr. Data Information Management st. exc. abbr. Discretionary Investment Management chat abbr. Does It Matter? ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: TAKE A DIM VIEW OF. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. dimm "dark, gloomy, obscure," from P.Gmc. *dimbaz. Slang sense of "stupid" is from 1892; dimwit first recorded 1917. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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